Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Double Vision 1.0

You can watch video and surf the web in a transparent browser.

The Double Vision can help you watch video and surf the web in a transparent browser. "Go Double Vision" and you can click through the browser to your open applications and work seemlessly.

Here are some key features of "Double Vision":

· Web video viewer!
· Click through video!
· Transparent web!
· Quick Hide!
· Auto Mute on Quick Hide!
· Double Vision Mode!
· Custom transparency levels!
· Watch and perform tutorials
· Be stealth at work in Double Vision mode
· Increased productivity as you regain screen real-estate
· Improved ability to multi-task


· NET Framework

(Source : http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Video/Video-Players/Double-Vision.shtml)
