Saturday, March 7, 2009

Safari 4 Beta

A more elegant browser. By design.

At one time, web browsers simply got you to the Internet. But from the day it was released, Safari set the bar higher for web browsers. It introduced sophisticated design elements that made browsing a joy. Easy to use, Safari stayed out of your way and let you effortlessly navigate from site to site.

Safari is designed to emphasize the browsing, not the browser. The browser frame is a single pixel wide. You see a scroll bar only when needed. By default, there’s no status bar. Instead, a progress indicator turns as your page loads. You’ll find tabs at the very top of the browser, opening an even wider window for viewing websites. A great browser, Safari lets you simply enjoy the web — whether you’re exploring it from a Mac, PC, iPhone, or iPod touch.

The first browser to deliver the “real” Internet to a mobile device, Safari renders pages on iPhone and iPod touch just as you see them on your computer. And it’s much more than just a scaled-down, mobile version of the original. Safari takes advantage of the technologies built into these Multi-Touch devices. The page shifts and reformats to fill the window when you turn your iPhone or iPod touch on its side. You zoom in and out just by pinching your fingers. And no matter how you access it, Safari is always blazing fast and easy to use.

Innovation. In plain sight.

Innovation is the soul of Safari. From the very beginning, it’s been a launching pad for new ideas and never-before-seen features that make web browsing more enjoyable. Safari was the first browser to feature a built-in RSS reader. Its built-in spelling and grammar checker helps you look your best in blogs and email. Safari even introduced Private Browsing to make sure your privacy is protected at all times.

And Safari has even more innovation in store. With Top Sites, Safari raises the bar yet again, offering a novel way to display your favorite sites — with minimal work on your part. Beautiful to look at, Top Sites makes it easy to spot the site you want and open it with a click.

Looking for a site you visited in the past but can’t quite remember? Use Full History Search to quickly find sites using even the sketchiest search terms. And when you click a web page in Cover Flow, it’s because you’ve already recognized it as the site you were looking for. No more guessing. Innovative features like these show you how good browsing can be.

Leading the way to a better Internet.

The world’s fastest browser, Safari has speed to burn. Why should you wait for pages to load? You want to see those search results, get the latest news, check current stock prices, right now. And Safari delivers, so you wait less and browse more. In fact, every Safari update is tested to make sure it continues to deliver the fastest browsing experience on any platform.

Innovation starts with WebKit, the technology at the heart of Safari. Powering Safari on iPhone and iPod touch and Safari 4 on the Mac and PC, WebKit displays graphics, renders fonts, determines page layout, and fuels the interactivity of the sites you visit every day.

Created by Apple engineers, WebKit simplifies web development and accelerates innovation. An open source project, WebKit is free for anyone to use. In fact, right now an entire community of engineers is refining and streamlining the code to be faster and more reliable. That’s teamwork on a very large scale, and the web is a better place for it.

Now used in more than 100 products on desktop and mobile devices, WebKit has been adopted for use in Google Chrome and in AOL Desktop for Mac. It’s the web rendering engine used in Adobe AIR, Adobe Dreamweaver, and Microsoft Entourage. And WebKit has become the new standard for mobile browsers, powering Google Android, Nokia Series 60, and Palm webOS.

Apple has long been a strong advocate of web standards. In fact, it has taken an active role in promoting and defining standards, such as HTML 5 and CSS 3, that encourage innovation and make the web a better place for all of us.

For example, Safari was the first browser to support HTML 5 audio and video tags. They allow developers to integrate media directly into standard web pages, reducing development time and leading to faster response for you. And by supporting HTML 5 offline technologies, Safari allows web-based applications to store information on your hard drive, so you can use them even without an Internet connection.

Safari was also the first browser to support CSS 3 animations, which bring a new level of interactivity to the web, and CSS effects, which let developers add polish to websites by stylizing images and photos with eye-catching gradients, precise masks, and stunning reflections.

Apple has consistently demonstrated its leadership in supporting the latest standards by passing both Acid 2 and Acid 3 before any other browser. Designed by the Web Standards Project, the Acid tests confirm a browser’s ability to handle the latest web standards.

(Source :


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